January 28, 2010

Well, Nicole was right...kind of. No apologizing the next day. Just some 'splainin' the very same night. I'm pretty sure Tweety knew he stuck his foot in his mouth right after he said it. If not, someone on the set probably told about it. I do believe his explanation though. This man just always lets his mouth get about five miles ahead of his brain and spouts off before he thinks about how what he's saying is going to come off.

Matthews: Can I say one more point? I think something that I mentioned earlier tonight and I’m very proud I did it and I hope I can say it the right way. You know this country’s been, and I grew up in a country that’s been driven apart by race right until the 60’s, you couldn’t have a black member of the United States Cabinet, there were no black Cabinet members in the Kennedy administration. It has been such a big part of our life in big cities, this sort of ethnic debate, ethnic fighting. And then to see a President of the United States who, who is African American, and I was thinking tonight, this isn’t even an issue tonight.

How far we’ve come in just a year where it was a campaign issue in some parts of the country. It was talked about as something that would hurt him and it wasn’t in the room tonight. You could feel it wasn’t there tonight. And that takes leadership on his part to get us beyond these divisions—really national leadership and I felt it wonderfully tonight. It was almost like an epiphany and I hope it’s true. I hope what I saw is true that we’ve gotten beyond it. At least, well at the Presidential level I think. It’s still going to be out there in American life.

But I think he’s done something wonderful. I think he’s taken us beyond black and white in our politics, wonderfully so in just a year, I think.

Maddow: Chris Matthews of MSNBC…

Matthews: And I’m lovin’ it.

Maddow: …who’s fun to talk to and a big thinker on these things and willing to talk about stuff that’s hard to talk about sometimes on T.V….

Matthews: It is.

Maddow: Chris I appreciate it. Thanks a lot.

Matthews: Thank you.

Sadly the country is not where Matthews hopes we are and the Sarah Palins, the GOP and the Tea Baggers are more than happy to make sure we don't get beyond race in our politics.

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