July 30, 2013

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Tuesday advised a viewer who he suspected was being tormented by "demons" to "burn the house down," move or get an exorcism.

In a letter to CBN, a person wrote that their house had "moaning coming from the walls, lights turn on and off, the TV changes channels on its own, the beds move, stuff floats off tables, mirrors break, and there is sometimes a creepy fog."

"The ghosts look like people, but have dark blue light around their feet and hands," the viewer added. "What do I do?"

"If it was me, I would burn the house down and move on," Robertson laughed. "But assuming you can't afford that, I don't believe in ghosts, I don't think the Bible supports the concept of people coming back to haunt houses."

"But I do believe in demons. The Bible clearly says there's fallen angels and these demonic forces, and you need to get people to come and to get people to do an exorcism over that property and command those demons to leave. That's what you do. You take authority in the name of Jesus."

The TV preacher concluded: "And if you can't do that, move."

(h/t: Right Wing Watch)

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