December 2, 2023

Many Republicans weren't happy with former Rep. George Santos's expulsion from Congress. Ultimately, the vote came in at 311 to 114 to expel the Long Island fabulist. Among Republicans, 105 members voted to kick his lying ass to the curb, and 112 voted on keeping him like a weight around the neck of his party.

The top House GOP leadership, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, voted against the grifter's expulsion. So far, the Republican party's leader, Donald J. Trump, hasn't said much about it, but his son, Junior, sure did.

"Right, wrong, or indifferent as it relates to the George Santos expulsion, it seems America is getting very comfortable disregarding basic tenants of our constitution, namely these days it seems everyone is guilty until proven innocent and not vice versa… especially republicans!" Don Jr. posted on X.

Jinkies, I wonder if he's expressed that same concern for Hunter Biden. Probably not. Only Junior would defend a guy accused of stealing puppies. To be clear, it is not a right to serve in Congress. That human 8-ball has no concept of the law.

Xitter users swarmed in.

There are a lot of Trump supporters defending Santos on social media today, but that should tell you all you need to know. After all, they voted for the Mar-a-Lago lunatic who ran on a drain-the-swamp platform while he practically stole the silver from the White House.

George shouldn't get too excited. He's of no use to the Trumps now.

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