October 7, 2023

Jamie Raskin, in this exclusive interview w/ Cliff Schecter's Blue Amp Channel, is pure fire. An absolute must watch! He explains how the House dysfunction is part of not only Trump's agenda, but Putin's geopolitical aims, as Putin sees himself as the next Alexander The Great or a Russian Czar.

Raskin also goes into how McCarthy "prostituted" himself, yes, he said that(!) and how Comer resembles a frail little 3rd grade boy afraid to raise his hand in class. He also brilliantly ties the attempts by Trump & his thugs to extort Zelensky (what led to Trump's first impeachment) with the overall agendas of Trump, his minions in the House and Putin.

It's a dark road these monsters are trying to take us down.

Great interview. Watch the video of Raskin's brilliance and then be sure to subscribe to Cliff's YouTube channel for more great content like this!

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