A mugshot of former President Donald Trump will overtake Argentine Marxist icon Che Guevara as a symbol, Fox News host Will Cain predicted on Sunday.
April 2, 2023

A mugshot of former President Donald Trump will overtake Argentine Marxist icon Che Guevara as a symbol, Fox News host Will Cain predicted on Sunday.

"So, you know, one day will there be a public information request, and we'll see perhaps a mugshot if one is taken," Cain said on Sunday.

"Isn't it just clear to you that what he's guilty of is of winning?" co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy opined. "Because had he not won in 2016, this would not have happened."

"How popular will that mugshot be?" Cain asked.

"Probably the most popular photograph maybe in American history," co-host Pete Hegseth replied.

"I mean, replace, I mean, you know, the random, obviously no corollary, but like in popular culture, the Che Guevara t-shirt is a thing you see around, right?" Cain remarked, referring to the Marxist leader.

Trump is expected to be processed and arraigned on charges in New York on Tuesday.

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