An Arizona appeals court says Democrat Katie Hobbs won the governorship... again. We're starting to see a pattern here.
February 17, 2023

An Arizona appeals court has rejected Republican Kari Lake's challenge of her defeat in the Arizona governor's race. Democrat Katie Hobbs has won the governorship again. This marks in what feels like loser Kari Lake's eleventy bazillionth loss. It feels that way because she is mentally exhausting. So, maybe hang it up already?

AZ Central reports:

It is the second court ruling to find no evidence to support Lake's claims that she won and affirm Hobbs defeated the former television news anchor. Hobbs won by 17,117 votes, less than one percentage point, a margin Lake has continued to challenge in court and during appearances across the country.

"Lake’s arguments highlight Election Day difficulties, but her request for relief fails because the evidence presented to the superior court ultimately supports the court’s conclusion that voters were able to cast their ballots, that votes were counted correctly, and that no other basis justifies setting aside the election results," the appellate opinion written by Chief Judge Kent E. Cattani reads. Presiding Judge Maria Elena Cruz and Judge Peter B. Swann joined in the opinion.

Kari has pledged to appeal the ruling to the Arizona Supreme Court, probably because losing has become a hobby of hers. Gov. Katie Hobbs' representatives dismissed Lake's ongoing effort to change the election result.

“It must feel like Groundhog Day for Kari Lake as she racks up loss after loss," Hobbs' campaign manager Nicole DeMont said in a statement. "First, the voters rejected her, and now the courts have twice rejected her baseless claims. We can’t speak for the Iowa voters she’s been meeting with or the crowd at Mar-a-Lago, but Arizonans are tired of her conspiracy theories and her pathetic attempts to stay relevant.”

I guess it's OK if she wants to appeal the ruling. I don't know about y'all, but I love watching her lose.

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