Senator John Kennedy jokes about George Santos' propensity for lying while Fox host Martha MacCallum laughs about it.
January 27, 2023

Senator John Kennedy (R-OK) went on Fox to speak with host Martha MacCallum so that he could deny that the Republicans are planning on cutting Social Security and Medicare. During his interview, as he tried weakly to downplay President Biden's stance, he and MacCallum casually threw George Santos under the bus:

“One of the things he’s talking about there is a suggestion that Republicans want to pull back on Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid,” MacCallum said. “Quick thought on that if you could, sir.”

Kennedy answered by invoking Rep. George Santos (R-NY), who has been revealed to be a serial liar after his election to the House in November.

“Well, President Biden says my party – I – want to gut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid,” Kennedy replied. “And that’s just not true. Not even George Santos would make up a whopper like that. And the president knows that.”

As for Kennedy's lame claim that the Republicans don't want to gut Social Security and Medicare, One would have to ignore Ron Johnson, who starts drooling like one of Pavlov's dogs when anyone talks about cutting these benefits and Kennedy still wouldn't be believable.

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