Fox News host Howard Kurtz expressed alarm on Sunday at an artificial intelligence system that can imitate the style of Fox News hosts and also denounces Nazis.
December 26, 2022

Fox News host Howard Kurtz expressed alarm on Sunday at an artificial intelligence system that can imitate the style of Fox News hosts and also denounces Nazis.

On his Christmas day program, Kurtz aired an interview with Fox News host Steve Hilton about OpenAI's ChatGPT experiment that allows internet users to converse with artificial intelligence.

Hilton explained that he had used the system to write a monologue for his show.

"Where this will go will just be an extraordinary change, a real revolution," Hilton promised.

"Both exciting and unnerving," Kurtz said. "It's also opinionated. If you ask it a question about Nazis, it denounces the Nazis! So where is AI going?"

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