December 11, 2022

NBC host Chuck Todd threw cold water on calls for the Jan. 6 Committee to refer former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department for prosecution.

During an interview with former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, Todd wondered if the committee had made its case against Trump.

"It is not their role to make a criminal case," Bharara reminded the host.

The former U.S. Attorney called criminal referrals "largely symbolic."

"Because at the time we first started having this debate about a referral, it wasn't clear how far along the Justice Department was," he explained. "Since then, the Justice Department has appointed a special counsel, as we mentioned, and they have a lot of staff that they've added to the matter. And they're far along."

"So they're investigating this thing anyway," Bharara added. "I don't think [a referral] actually does anything for the Justice Department."

"But doesn't it add negatively to the political stew?" Todd asked.

"You could argue that," Bharara replied. "I think it has no impact on the Justice Department whatsoever."

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