Oleg Klokov, director of Tavria TV and Radio Company, was killed in an attack on the Antonovsky Bridge.
Karma Comes For Some Russian Propagandists
Credit: Twitter
October 22, 2022

The group tried to get across the Antonovsky Bridge (the Russian pontoon bridge) at night, after curfew, ostensibly with stolen goods from the Kherson region. That was a mistake. Oleg Klokov, director of Tavria TV and Radio Company, was killed in an attack on the Antonovsky Bridge. In October, he came to Kherson to help the occupiers launch the Tavria propaganda channel. He also has had some connection to the higher echelons of the GRU, Russia's military intelligence directorate and largest foreign intelligence agency.

Source: cablefree

This is reported by information sources controlled by the Russian occupiers, reports Center for Investigative Journalism.

According to Russian Alexander Malkevich, who manages the propaganda media based on local TV channels in the occupied Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, Oleg Klokov, director of Tavria TV and Radio Company, was killed in an attack on the Antonovsky Bridge.

Previously, he worked in the Moscow government and on the channels “Moscow 24”, “Channel One” and “Russia Today”. In October, he came to Kherson to help the occupiers launch the Tavria propaganda channel.

Malkevich reports that a total of four people have died, two of whom were employees of the occupation television channel.

Employee Kirill Stremousov on the broadcast of Krym24 said that the operator of the Tavria TV and radio company Ruslan Voskresensky, correspondent Konstantin Mochar and journalist Vlada Lugovskaya were seriously injured.

And via Instigator:

On the night of October 21, as a result of an attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Antonivsky Bridge, employees of the occupation administration in Kherson who work in the propaganda information resource "Tavriya" were killed and wounded. The so-called "journalists" were traveling in a stolen car belonging to Suspilny, loaded, in particular, with looted property.

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