May 22, 2021

Ted Cruz did not really like being called 'Cancun Cruz' and he really won't like being called 'Kremlin Cruz' either, argued MSNBC's Brian Williams.

After Ted Cruz's ridiculous and aborted trip to Mexico back in February, during a power outage that left many in Texas freezing, Cruz became known as 'Cancun Cruz.' Well, after his adoring promotion of Russian propaganda this week, MSNBC's Brian Williams has renamed him 'Kremlin Cruz,' saying derisively, "Ted Cruz dreams of being president of a country someday, perhaps not this country for reasons like this."

Source: MSNBC

First, it's a little unsettling to see Cruz endorsing Russian propaganda again. MSNBC's Brian Williams told viewers last night, "By all accounts, Ted Cruz did not like the nickname 'Cancun Cruz.' ... He really won't like being call 'Kremlin Cruz' after his latest and remarkably stupid lapse in judgment."

And second, if Cruz is looking for actual examples of emasculation, I might suggest the senator look past Cpl. Emma Malonelord and consider the example of a Republican senator who adopted a sycophantic posture toward his party's president even after he went after the senator's wife and father.

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