October 11, 2020

Despite the fact that his own party is the one that's moving further and further to the right and pushing for extremely unpopular proposals such as going after Social Security and our other social safety nets keeping our most vulnerable citizens afloat, refusing to address the issue of income inequality, allowing for the huge influx of dark money into political campaigns, and on and on, Republicans like Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy continue to try to paint Democrats as the ones catering to "extremists" with fearmongering appearances like the one above on Fox's Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.

Kennedy was asked about Joe Biden's refusal to say whether he would go along with increasing the number of judges on the Supreme Court, along with expanding the number of federal district and circuit judges. Kennedy responded by playing the evil socialist boogeyman fearmongering card. And Kennedy is also apparently is unaware of which party Sen. Bernie Sanders belongs to, making the ridiculous assertion that he's the head of the Democratic party, a party he caucuses with but is not a member of.

BARTIROMO: What can you tell us about the Supreme Court and the potential stacking? Joe Biden will not say his stance on this, right? What are the implications?

KENNEDY: I'm not sure it matters what Mr. Biden wants, and here's why I say that. I believe that if the Democrats get control of the presidency, the Senate and the House, they will try to pack the court, not because of Mr. Biden, but because of Senator Sanders.

I think it's clear to most Americans that Mr. Biden is just a vessel. The prophet here is Senator Sanders. Mr. Biden is the nominee, but with Bernie's the head of the party, and he wants court packing.

And they want court packing because they see the United States Supreme Court as a mini-Congress.

In other words, Bernie supports open borders. He knows that, at least right now, he can't, he can't open our borders to anybody who wants to come to America. So he sees the United States Supreme Court as a place to go to get the votes. He thinks Supreme Court justices are politicians in robes.

I hate to break it to Kennedy, but there are a whole lot more members of Congress than just Sen. Sanders who would like to see some balance brought back to the courts after years of Republicans obstructing Obama's nominations and allowing Trump to pack the courts full of unqualified wingnuts.

Bartiromo wrapped things up with reminder for everyone on the left as to why we really need to get Lindsey Graham out of the Senate.

BARTIROMO: Yes. Well, by the way, you mentioned Bernie Sanders. My sources have told me that if the Democrats win the Senate, Bernie Sanders will be the Chairman of the Budget Committee. If the Republicans hold on, it will be Lindsey Graham running the Budget Committee. That's a very different budget. That's a very different budget.

Yes it would be. Graham is happy to let his constituents rot in the middle of a pandemic rather than extend the relief they voted on earlier this year. We really, really do not wanting him running that committee next year.

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