NYC To Install Massive Black Lives Matter Mural In Front Of Trump Tower
Donald TrumpCredit: Crooks and Liars
June 26, 2020

From the New York Post:

The idea had originated from a June 7 meeting with community leaders and activists, including the Rev. Kevin McCall and Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, a source said.

De Blasio hatched the idea a few days after Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser had “Black Lives Matter” painted along a street leading to the White House, according to a second source. The plan was finalized last week — after locations for the other murals across the five boroughs were announced on Juneteenth, the source said.

The slogan will be stenciled outside Trump Tower, where President Trump stays when he’s in town, sometime before July 4th weekend.

Like clockwork, Trump has begun whining:

The installation is one of seven that are planned in each of New York’s five boroughs, according to the Post. But could any other location beat Trump Tower?

Let’s hope a statue of Barack Obama on the same block is next!

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