Acting DHS Chief Chad Wolf had nothing but happy talk on the economy to offer, and called wearing masks a "personal choice" when asked why the Trump campaign wasn't following the his own administration's CDC guidelines on reopening with these reckless MAGA rallies.
June 21, 2020

Heaven forbid any of these Trump administration officials would break from Dear Leader and do the responsible thing, like encouraging everyone to wear masks in the middle of a pandemic that the United States in no way, shape or form has under control right now.

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf made an appearance on this Sunday's Meet the Press, and when asked by host Chuck Todd why the Trump campaign wasn't following Trump's own CDC guidelines by holding these MAGA rallies, Wolf refused to cross his boss, and called mask-wearing a "personal choice."

TODD: It looks as if though these, the-- what you guys have put out, the guidelines the CDC, put out. I mean even the president and his campaign aren't following these guidelines holding an indoor rally. And so is it a surprise that the public is not following these guidelines as well as they should, given that the example from the top is not wearing a mask, holding an indoor rally against the recommendation of various public health officials and including people on the taskforce?

WOLF: Well, I think I disagree with the premise of that question. I think what we saw, particularly in Tulsa, when you talk about the President's rally, is a state in a phase three reopening. And so activities like this are allowed.

And again, when you talk about face mask or face coverings, hand sanitizer. You do temperature checks at such an event. These are all things that are in those guidelines; that are in that guidance that we talked about. So I think it's important. It's also a personal choice that people are making on the face coverings and where you are within that phase.

So, again it's very specific to individual states. We’ll continue to provide that resource and guidance, making sure that governors have all the information that they need to make those decisions locally.

As Todd tepidly attempted to point out, with no leadership from the top on the need for mask-wearing, and with Trump continuing to flout the need to slow the spread of the virus, his supporters are never going to take this pandemic seriously (or they won't until it finally kills or puts enough people they know personally in the ICU).

The number of daily coronavirus cases in the United States has now hit 30,000 for the first time since May. It remains to be seen just how high the case numbers, deaths, and number of ICUs that end up over capacity we have to reach before more of Trump's death cult start to take this thing seriously.

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