April 23, 2020

Sen. Mark Warner caused the nation culinary distress yesterday when he posted a video of himself on Instagram making a tuna melt. See, I call it a tuna melt, but in reality, it was a gastronomic atrocity. He used obscene amounts of mayo, dumped an entire can of tuna on the bread without draining it, added slices of sharp cheddar, and popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Twitter called for an intervention, and his colleagues expressed concern.

Then, our queen, Senator Kamala D. Harris stepped in, giving us all the internet content we need:

They set up a time, got together on Instagram, and boom. You have the above video, wherein the two Senators (and one Senator's husband) have their cooking lesson. Chef Harris explains, "Mark, this is a TOASTER." "This is a SKILLET, Mark." She slices celery to add to the tuna salad, and Mark is confounded, exclaiming, "But, that's GREEN..."


Some have intimated, even The Washington Post, that Sen. Warner's whole video was a joke, whose intention was really that PSA at the end where he reminds people to wash his hands for 20 seconds. Regardless, it was frikkin hilarious, and I could not find one person in the interwebs universe who didn't find some speck of joy in the way this thing took off and took shape.

Now you can, too.

Open thread below.

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