October 3, 2019

Rep Jim Jordan and some of his colleagues held an impromptu press conference to claim Kurt Volker did not help Democrats with their impeachment process. Nothing to see here, they said, bringing out their talking points for all to see.

However, when he was asked about Trump publicly calling for Ukraine and China to investigate the Bidens he clammed up and fled as soon as possible.

Earlier today Trump said, "China should start an investigation into the Bidens. Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with -- with Ukraine."

CNN's Manu Raju interrupted. "Do you have any concerns about what the president said on the South lawn -- China and Ukraine should investigate the Bidens?"

Raju continued, "About China and Ukraine -- "

Jordan began stammering, " Manu, we don't know what the president said there we haven't looked at it.

And with that he took off.

What a coward.

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