Governor Rick Scott refused to take the stage because Charlie Crist had a fan under his podium. Yes, this happened.
October 15, 2014

Governor Voldemort Scott had a bit of a hissy fit before the Florida debate, which brought on the vapors and a moment unlike any I've seen recently.

The presence of a fan offended Rick Scott, who claimed the rules of the debate banned any electronics on stage. Scott said the fan was an electronic device, and so refused to take the stage at first.

Meanwhile, Crist is mocking him while standing on stage, asking why Rick Scott thinks this is what the people of Florida want.

Here are some choice tweets.

Chuck Todd was ready for the counterspin. No DQ for Scott:

Crist weighs in:


Crist specified an exception for a fan on stage when he signed the agreement. So either Governor Voldemort was tossing a fit because he knew about that, or he didn't know but couldn't be bothered to ask.


Update 2:

Watch Scott try to explain it.

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