'Amazon.com's Paul Misener handily defeated Mike McCurry -co-Chair of the telecom front group "Hands off the Internet"-in a debate over Net
June 18, 2006

'Amazon.com's Paul Misener handily defeated Mike McCurry -co-Chair of the telecom front group "Hands off the Internet"-in a debate over Net Neutrality at George Washington University on Friday...read on"

Yes, I have the ad up again and I think all my readers are smart enough to know what the truth is. Here is the Net Neutrality video that I've posted before.


Christy has posted all the information you need to contact the Senators about their vote.

"You can contact the members of the Senate Commerce Committee via the main switchboard toll free at: 1-888-355-3588. Or you can contact them individually at the following phone and fax numbers...read on"

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